Antibodies - (Anti-bodies)
A type of protein made by certain white blood cells in the body in response to a foreign substance (antigen); Some antibodies destroy antigens directly, others make it easier for white blood cells to destroy the antigen
Antidepressant - (an-ti-de-pres-sant)
Drug used to relieve or prevent depression
Antihistamines - (an-ti-his-ta-mines)
Drugs that combat the histamine that is released during an allergic reaction
Antipsychotic - (an-tee-sai-cho-tik)
Drug used to treat psychosis, a disorder of the mind characterised by loss of contact with reality
Anus - (an-us)
The opening at the end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste is excreted from the body
Aortic valve - (aor-tic valve)
One of the four valves in the heart
Arthritis - (ar-thri-tis)
Inflammation of a joint or multiple joints
Asymptomatic - (a-sym-to-ma-tic)
Having no symptoms of illness or disease
Atrophy - (at-ro-phy)
A weakening or degeneration, like that of a muscle (especially through lack of use)
Aura - (or-aa)
A subjective sensation (as of lights, flashes, blurred vision, etc.) experienced before an attack of some disorders (epilepsy or migraine)