Idiopathic - (id-i-o-path-ic)
Arising from an unknown cause
Immobility - (im-mobi-lity)
The quality of not being able to move; becoming fixed
Immune system - (im-mune system)
The body system, made up of many organs and cells, which defends the body against infection, disease and foreign substances
Immunity - (im-mu-ni-ty)
The body system, made up of many organs and cells, which defends the body against infection, disease and foreign substances
Immunosuppressant - (im-mu-no-sup-pres-sant)
A drug that lowers the body's normal immune response
Infection - (in-fec-shun)
Invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms; these microorganisms multiply within the body and lead to tissue damage, thus resulting in disease
Infectious - (in-fec-tious)
Caused by infection, transmissible from one person to another
Inflammation - (in-flam-ma-tion)
A response of body tissues to injury or irritation; characterised by pain, swelling, redness and heat
Inflammatory - (in-flam-ma-to-ry)
Characterised or caused by inflammation
Infrared coagulation - (in-fra-red co-agu-la-shun)
A technique in which abnormal tissue is exposed to a burst of infrared light (a type of radiation), causing the blood in veins in the tissue to coagulate (harden) and the abnormal tissue to shrink