Echinacea - (E-ki-na-ce-a)
A North American perennial herb used in herbal medicine, mainly for its antibiotic and wound-healing properties
Echinacea - (E-ki-na-ce-a)
A North American perennial herb used in herbal medicine, mainly for its antibiotic and wound-healing properties
Ejaculation - (ej-acu-la-shun)
The discharge of semen in males
Endoscope - (en-do-scope)
A thin, flexible tube with a tiny camera at one end; used to visualise the interior of a body organ such as stomach, intestine, colon, sinus, etc., also used for procedures such as taking a biopsy, or performing a surgery
Erection - (e-rec-shun)
The transformation of the penis from a flaccid organ to a firm, turgid structure due to the dilatation of blood vessels therein
Estrogen - (es-tro-gen)
A female hormone produced by the ovaries
Exacerbation - (ex-asser-bay-shun)
aggravation, worsening