Haemoglobin - (Haemo-glo-bin)
A haemoprotein composed of globin and haeme that gives red blood cells their characteristic colour; function is primarily to transport oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues
Hair follicles - (Hair-fa-lekels)
Tubular cavities in the outermost layer of the skin, from which hair shafts grow
Halitosis - (hal-i-to-sis)
Offensive breath
Hallucination - (hal-lu-ci-na-tion)
An abnormal state in which a person has false impressions that are caused by disordered senses resulting from mental illness. Here, the person may actually see, hear or feel things that do not exist at all and this occurs due to a mental disorder.
Hammertoe - (Ham-mer –toe)
A deformed toe which is bent in a claw-like arch
Hereditary - (he-red-i-tary)
Occurring amongst members of a family
Histamine - (his-ta-mine)
A chemical present in cells throughout the body that is released during an allergic reaction; histamine dilates blood vessels and makes the vessel walls abnormally permeable, its release causing itching, sneezing, increased mucous production, nasal congestion, skin rashes, besides a host of other symptoms
Hives - (hives)
Another name for urticaria
Hypersomnia - (hi-per-som-nia)
Sleep disorder characterised by excessive sleepiness or an inability to stay awake
Hypertension - (hy-per-ten-sion)
A common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high (a reading of 140/90 mm Hg or greater)