Scaling - (Scaling)
The process of scales shedding off from the skin or scalp
Sclerotherapy - (scle-ro-the-ra-pee)
Injection of a chemical irritant into a vein to produce inflammation and eventual fibrosis
Sebaceous glands - (se-ba-ceous glands)
Glands in the skin, which produce an oily substance called sebum; sebaceous glands are closely attached to hair follicles
Sebum - (Se-bum)
The oily substance produced by sebaceous glands, composed of keratin, fat and cellular debris
Sedative - (sed-a-tive)
A substance that tends to calm down or moderate one's nervousness or excitement
Sedentary - (sed-en-tary)
Requiring sitting or little activity
Seizure - (see-zhur)
Convulsion; a sudden, involuntary movement of the muscles
Sigmoidoscopy - (sig-moid-o-scopy)
Visual examination (with a sigmoidoscope) of the lower third portion of the colon
Sleep apnea - (sleep ap-nea)
Apnea that occurs during sleep; the temporary stoppage of breathing during sleep, often resulting in daytime sleepiness
Spastic - (spas-tic)
Pertaining to involuntary, jerky, muscular contractions