Calorie - (cal-o-rie)
A unit of food energy; term used by nutritionists to characterise the energy-producing potential in food
Candidiasis - (can-di-di-a-sis)
An infection caused by fungi of the genus monilia or candida (especially Candida albicans)
Carbuncle - (Car-bun-cle)
An infection larger than a boil with several openings for the discharge of pus
Cardiac - (car-dee-ac)
Of, or relating to, the heart
Caries - (car-ies)
Soft decayed area in a tooth
Cartilage - (car-ti-lage)
Tough, elastic tissue that cushions the bones at the joints
Catagen - (cata-gen)
A transitional phase of the hair cycle between the growth phase and resting phase of the hair follicle.
Cervical - (cer-vi-cal)
Relating to the neck
Chemotherapy - (che-mo-ther-a-py)
The use of chemical agents to treat or control a disease (especially cancer)
Chronic - (chron-ic)
Being long-lasting and recurrent in nature; characterised by long standing suffering