Telogen - (tel-o-gen)
A resting phase in the cycle of hair growth when the hair is retained in the hair follicle as dead hair
Tendon - (ten-don)
A cord or band of inelastic tissue that connects a muscle to its bony attachment
Testosterone - (tes-tos-ter-on)
Male sexual hormone produced chiefly by the testes; responsible for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics
Thrush - (thrush)
Candidiasis (fungal infection) of the oral cavity
Thyrotoxicosis - (thy-ro-toxi-co-sis)
Pathologically excessive production of thyroid hormones leading to a crisis state; also called Thyroid storm; this is a medical emergency and can be life threatening
Tonsil - (ton-sil)
Small masses of lymphoid tissue on either side of the throat, situated towards the posterior side of the throat
Tonsillolith - (ton-sil-o-lith)
A small, calcified piece or stone in the tonsils; caused due to chronic infection of the tonsils
Tranquilizer - (tran-quil-lis-er)
A drug used to reduce stress or anxiety (tension)
Trichologist - (tri-chol-o-gist)
A person qualified in trichology
Trichology - (tri-chol-o-gy)
Branch of medicine that deals with the scientific study of the health of hair and scalp