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  • Spinal cord - (spi-nal cord)

    A thick, whitish cord comprising nerve fibres – it starts from the base of the brain and extends into the vertebral column. Spinal nerves branch off to various parts of the body from the spinal cord.

  • Spine - (spine)

    The column of bone (also known as the vertebral column), which surrounds and protects the spinal cord

  • Spondylitis - (spon-dy-li-tis)

    Inflammation of one or more of the spinal vertebrae

  • Sputum - (spu·tum)

    Expectorated matter, discharge that is coughed up

  • Stenosis - (ste-no-sis)

    Abnormal narrowing of a bodily canal or passageway

  • Stenosis - (ste-no-sis)

    Abnormal narrowing of a bodily canal or passageway

  • Stroke - (stroke)

    Interruption of the blood supply to any part of the brain; this can damage areas in the brain that control the rest of the body

  • Subclinical - (sub-cli-nical)

    Relating to the stage in the development of a disease before the symptoms begin to show up

  • Subluxation - (sub-lux-ation)

    Partial displacement of a joint or organ

  • Susceptibility - (sus-cep-ti-bil-i-ty)

    The state of being susceptible, vulnerable