Menstruation - (men-stru-a-tion)
The monthly discharge of blood and mucus from the uterus
Metabolic rate - (met-a-bol-ic rate)
The amount of energy expended in a given period
migraineur - (mi-grain-eur)
One who suffers from migraine
Modality - (Mo-da-li-ty)
A categorisation of suggestions on the basis of whether they claim necessity, possibility or impossibility
Mould - (Mold)
Fungus that grows on damp, decaying organic matter
Mucus - (mu-cus)
A thick fluid produced by the lining of some tissues such as the air passage, stomach, intestines, etc.
Myxedema - (mix-ede-ma)
Severe form of hypothyroidism marked by dry skin and swellings around lips and nose as well as mental deterioration