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Tue 14, Apr 2009

Pause Monopause with Homeopathy

Pause Menopause with Homeopathy

53 year old Malti, complained of severe hot flushes, night sweating, depression, anxiety, mood swings, skin dryness and sleeplessness.

Although most of these symptoms did start only after her periods stopped, there was a longstanding history of domination by her husband. A few doses of Sepia, did rid Malti of all her physical ailments, if not the spousal bullying.

For a woman, perhaps the only thing worse than having her monthly period and its associated problems of cramps, nausea and pms, is not having it. Menopause, the permanent stoppage of periods in a woman's life signifying the end of her reproductive cycle, can be extremely traumatic.

After menopause, women are more vulnerable to bone loss and heart disease. In time, bones can become weak and break easily. This condition is called osteoporosis.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the new mantra touted as a quick and easy solution that supposedly prevents the natural aging process and its problems. However HRT for menopause is quite controversial because of the serious health risks and side effects of taking artificial hormones. There is an increased risk of developing breast cancer (by 25% and worse in women where there is current cancer or a family history) and uterine cancer by upto eight fold in women with an intact uterus. Liver, pancreatic and heart disease are some of the other serious side effects of HRT.

Homeopathy, on the other hand, achieves natural hormonal balance without the use of harmful drugs making it the safest medical treatment for before, during, and after menopause. Homeopathy not only helps a woman deal with her physical discomfort but also to cope emotionally with her new phase of life.

They say life begins at 40. With homeopathy, that can certainly true for women. Their periods may stop but life can certainly go on, as full and fulfilling as ever.

Homeopathic remedies for menopause:

Folliculum -Stimulates the ovaries' continuing natural production of the female hormone, estrogen. It also helps in the case of hot flushes where the patient suffers from night sweats and feels hot and bothered.

Lachesis ' For - Intense hot flashes that are especially worse at night.