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Wed 05, Oct 2016

59 percent people have shifted to Homeopathy in the last one year: Study by IMRB

  • The main reason for changing the line of treatment was lack of desired treatment outcome
  • 78% people feel Homeopathic treatment is safer than Allopathy
  • 77% people feel Homeopathy is the best form of treatment in terms of long term benefits

MUMBAI, April 08, 2015:  A recent study conducted by IMRB on ‘Acceptance of Homeopathy in India' across Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Pune and Ahmedabad has revealed interesting findings on consumer insights pertaining to their perception of Homeopathy. The findings show that 59% per cent of people have shifted from Allopathy to Homeopathy in the last one year as they believe it to be the safest form of medicine, with 77% of people believing that Homeopathy is the best form of treatment in terms of long term benefits.

The study also highlights that over 60% people believe that Homeopathy works best in chronic and lifestyle related diseases as they don't find complete relief from Allopathy. Another reason for the shift has been that people are looking for holistic healthcare options and strongly feel that homeopathic treatment is safer than Allopathy as it has no side effects, its cost efficient and helps in building resistance and immunity against the disease.

The report further highlights that Homeopathy enjoys 100% awareness in the 8 cities and the cost of treatment for Homeopathy is 35% lesser than that for Allopathy. The most common ailments for which people use Homeopathy include hair loss, backaches, joint pains and allergies

Releasing the survey coinciding with the World Homeopathy Day being observed on April 10, Dr Mukesh Batra, Padma Shri recipient, founder-chairman of Dr Batra's® Group of companies said, “We are delighted to see such growth and awareness about Homeopathy amongst general public. The Homeopathy market in India has been growing at 30% annually and approximately 10 crore people take Homeopathy as their first line for treatment. It is time for Homeopathy to talk the same language as Allopathy as today Homeopathy is backed by research and evidence that prove its effectiveness on a variety of diseases. The report by IMRB further strengthens our belief that there has been increased awareness amongst public on the effectiveness and safety of Homeopathic medicines.”

Mr. Sujai Mahadevan - Insights Director, IMRB International said “Almost 60% of patients have switched from Allopathy to Homeopathy as the preference is more towards safer and long term solutions than quick fix medications. 4 out of 5 homeopathic users feel that Homeopathy as a form of treatment is safer than Allopathy is a testimony to this fact.”

Homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine in the world today, according to World Health Organisation (WHO) and is used by over 600 million people worldwide. In India over 100 million people depend on Homeopathy for their health and wellness needs.

Homeopathy is practiced in over 86 countries and the Global Homeopathy market size is Rs.26,000 crore (ASSOCHAM.) According to ASSOCHAM, the Homeopathy market in India is worth Rs.2758 crore and is growing annually at 30% and as per observers it is expected to grow to Rs. 5873 crore by 2017. Homeopathy users will increase to 160 million (16 crore) in the next 3 years from its current 100 million (10 crore) users. There are 185 homeopathic colleges and 20,000 new homeopaths are added every year.


About Dr Batra's® Group of Companies

Dr Batra's Health Care Group was founded by Dr. Mukesh Batra in 1982 in Mumbai. The Group today is the leading Homoeopathic healthcare corporate, having 225 clinics across 122 cities with presence in India, Dubai and London. In 2009, the company introduced Aesthetic Services through its flagship brand Dr Batra's Aesthetic Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The aesthetic solutions arm of Dr Batra's offers wide services ranging from hair transplant, obesity solutions, to an array of skincare solutions.

The brand has also made significant progress and development in personal and healthcare products under its well established division Dr Batra's Positive Health Products Pvt. Ltd.  This marks a phenomenal contribution by Dr Batra's due to its individualized treatment and care to over 10 lakh patients across the globe, including 3 lakh hair patients and 1 lakh skin patients.

Dr Batra's Cyber Clinic ( has been listed in the Limca Book of Records (Editions 2004 and 2005) for becoming the first-ever cyber clinic to offer online consultation to over 4.5 lakh patients every year. It has also launched the world's first tele-homoeopathy clinic which enables real-time multi-location connectivity. The brand is the only Homeopathic Most Trusted No. 1 Ranked Brand by The Brand Trust Report ' India Study 2013, and feted as a Power Brand for the year 2012 by Planman Media. Dr Batra's is the world's first homoeopathic healthcare corporate to receive the much-coveted ISO 9001-2008 Certification. Moreover the brand is well known as a philanthropic work for underprivileged sections of the society to get free treatment.

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