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Thu 28, Apr 2011

Homeopathy treats women’s health issues safely

Homeopathy treats women’s health issues safely

No one faces as many distinct, or unique, health challenges in life than women. No system understands women as well as homeopathy, the safe, gentle system of medicine.  Homeopathy not only tackles health issues from a women’s viewpoint, it also understands their subtle emotions, as gently. Homeopathy is mind/body medicine — it, therefore, relates to what goes on at one’s emotional and physical levels, holistically, and integrates healing accordingly.

Homeopathy also aims to treat women’s health issues, not just in terms of functional variations, but also by way of setting things right, correcting the body’s imbalances from the inside-out, and not merely on the surface, or external symptoms. Homeopathic medicines don’t suppress illnesses; they also don’t curb emotional issues. They aim and address them for safe, long-term, and tangible treatment outcomes.

Painful periods, for instance, is a common complaint in women. This may be accompanied by a dull pain in the lower back, along with abdominal cramps. Homeopathy does not merely look into physical causes; it also looks at the possible emotional causes of painful periods. In like manner, it analyses possible triggers, such as pelvic infections, ovarian cysts, fibroids, intrauterine devices, or stoppage of the use of contraceptive pill.

The homeopathic remedy, Belladonna, for instance, is effective in painful periods, accompanied by headache and extreme tiredness. Chamomilla is effective in menstrual pain presenting with irritability, or anger. Cimicifuga Racemosa is, likewise, useful, when there are shooting, crampy pains running across the pelvis and into the thighs. It also works best in women who have mood swings — from optimism to gloom. Pulsatilla is a useful remedy in painful periods, with tummy cramps, bad temper, crying spells and indifference for day-to-day chores.

The important thing is there are more than a handful of homeopathic remedies for women’s health issues, and not just for painful periods. What homeopathy takes into account is not only the problem in question, but also the unique, characteristic presentation of symptoms in each individual. The reason being, no two women show the same unique symptoms of a given illness, except its name. It’s, therefore, imperative, given such subtleties, for one to seek treatment from a professional homeopathic doctor.