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Thu 17, Mar 2011

Homeopathy treats sleeplessness naturally and gently

Homeopathy treats sleeplessness naturally and gently

We are increasingly becoming a sleep-deprived society. More than half of the individuals having sleeplessness may have diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Besides, there is no other thing as annoying as not being able to sleep. You toss and turn. Fuss and scowl. You are living through the day’s difficulties. Worse still, the most irrelevant of noises keeps you awake. It is said that millions of people suffer from sleeplessness worldwide. Researchers also say that over half of both the young and the elderly experience a sleep disorder — with relatively pronounced effects. Lack of sleep, or sleeplessness, is a distress signal. It is also an invite to psychological and emotional problems.

Homeopathy is natural, holistic medicine. It aims to induce natural sleep, gently, by being as close to nature as possible, without causing any of the harmful side-effects of conventional sleeping pills. Conventional sleeping pills do not induce natural sleep: they reduce, instead of increasing the proportion of quality sleep after a period of sleep loss. Homeopathy is based on the natural principle of similars. What does this mean? That a medicine which can cause can treat, and vice versa. The homeopathic Coffea Cruda, for instance, relieves sleeplessness, when the causal factor is overexcitement, pleasant news, or job promotion.  Gelsemium Sempervirens, likewise, is effective when the trigger factor for sleeplessness is anxiety, or emotional stress. What’s more, homeopathic remedies have no side-effects; better still, they do not lead to drug-dependence, or drug-tolerance, unlike conventional sleeping pills.

A German study, conducted across 89 clinics, compared the effects of a homeopathic medication with an herbal preparation on the time taken to fall asleep, sleep duration, the quality of sleep, and daytime fatigue, over a period of 28 days. 409 people were enrolled in the study. The study results found improvement from both medications, with a reduction in the time taken to fall asleep, and increase in sleep duration: 2.2 hours for the homeopathic medication versus 2 hours for the herbal medicine. The primary difference between the two treatments also showed that the homeopathic medication resulted in less daytime fatigue than the herbal preparation: 49 per cent versus 32 per cent.