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Tue 29, Mar 2011

Homeopathy treats hair loss in women from the ‘root’

Homeopathy treats hair loss in women from the ‘root’

Hair loss is not just a cosmetic disorder. It affects a woman’s emotions and self-esteem — much more, perhaps, than it does for men. Hair loss is a frightful experience, no less. Women, as a rule, cannot even think of hair loss in their dreams, because the very thought of hair loss can trigger intense psychological reactions. There are as many causes for hair loss as there are types. Causes can be genetic, dietetic shortfall, hormonal imbalance and emotional stress. Hair loss can also, likewise, be triggered by dandruff, certain cosmetics, and disorders such as psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, or eczema, of the scalp.

Hair loss often presents with a generalised thinning of hair over the crown, or top, and front of the head. It is said to affect nearly one-third of women. What is characteristic of hair loss is a reduction in the size of the hair follicles on the scalp. Research suggests that hair loss may be an early, latent sign of an underlying illness, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. It is, therefore, advisable to investigate and rule out, or confirm, such likely causes for hair loss. Common investigations should include blood sugar tests for diabetes, thyroid hormone function test for hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, haemoglobin and serum ferritin tests for iron-deficiency anaemia, and abdominal ultrasound for polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) — one of the classical triggers for hair loss in women.

Homeopathy does not treat hair loss on the surface, or from the outside — or, on the presenting symptoms. It treats the “root cause” of the problem, taking into account the individual’s unique nature, their distinctive temperament, personality and idiosyncrasies. Clinical studies in Europe have shown that 83 per cent of women patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), who had enrolled, started ovulating normally and had no sign, or presence, of ovarian cysts, following homeopathic treatment. There was a marked reduction in their hair loss too. International studies also suggest that certain homeopathic remedies, like Thuja Occidentalis and Sabal Serrulata, act as natural dihydrotestosterone (DHT)-inhibitors. DHT is a by-product of the male hormone, testosterone, which activates hair loss. They are, therefore, evidenced to stop hair loss, safely and effectively.