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Thu 10, Sep 2009



Depending on the skin type, here are a few tips to manage skin woes

Dry Skin

Apply a face pack of almond paste and honey for 10 minutes and wash it off with tap water. Add a few drops of glycerin to a cup of rose water and apply it on the face and body. This makes the skin soft and smooth. Petroleum 30C, 5 pills twice daily can help to reduce the dryness of the skin.

Oily Skin Apply a mixture of brown gram flour soaked in milk/cream on the face and neck area and leave it till dries. Then wash it off with tap water. Oatmeal or fruits like papaya can be used as a scrub to exfoliate the skin naturally. Washing the face with tap water instead of hot water is recommended. Also, always pat your face dry and do not rub it. Graphites 30C, 5 pills twice daily helps de• crease the oiliness of the skin.

Foods to eat

You really need to take care of what you eat and drink to flaunt a glowing skin and flowing tresses. 90- Certain do's and dont's will help you to achieve these.


Contamination of drinking water is common; hence, drink boiled water. e

Keep your body hydrated by drinking lots of water as this will help to flush out the toxins.

Eat moderate quantities of light and warm food like brown rice, oats and wheat, which are easily digestible

Cooked food should be preferably eaten or

 Include ginger, garlic, turmeric and mint in your diet as they help build immunity and are antimicrobial in action.

Eat a lot of grains and nuts as they help in hair growth.

Green leafy vegetables being rich in 'nag-nesium and manganese are vitalfor good hair.

Zinc (Source: whole-wheat products, josYar, bajra, ragi, mushrooms, shell fish, pump-kin seeds) and Iron (Source: Spinach, ragi, jaggery, dates, figs, and raisins) are essential elements for the hair.

Eat a serving of capsicum and cucumbers daily. It can provide Silica, an important mineral that facilitates better hair growth.

 Proteins are necessary for healthy hair and are found in milk and milk products, pulses, legumes, and soyabean.

Biotin is a vitamin that facilitates hair growth. Rice bran, peanuts, soyabean, cauliflower, and mushrooms are rich in Bio-tin.


As far as possible, eat home-cooked food, that tooless spicy.

Chilled drinks and re-frigerated items should be avoided a Reduce your intake of heavy and fermented foods, as they tend to bloat the abdomen.

 Avoid salads and raw vegetables as they carry germs that can give rise to many water borne diseases. Do not have too many late nights.

Dr. Akshay Batra, DMD, Dr.

Batra's Positive Health Clinic

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