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Homeopathy treats the source, not just the effect

Pain is subjective, a symbol of agony. It has several implications. Most people use painkillers to crush pain at the speed of thought. Interestingly, only a few of us realise that pain is the bodys inner violin, one that moans about a problem originating from somewhere deep inside.

The intensity of pain is usually related to the type and/or stage of an illness, or disease. There are, however, some conditions that progress silently without causing any distress. Most medical systems suppress pain; they dont remove it from the root. Homeopathy treats the cause, the origin, of pain. This is quite the opposite of using painkillers, which may sometimes mask the underlying blueprint of the disease. Even when the pain recedes, no one can tell whether or not the illness, or its pathology, is really getting better. In patients with arthritis, musculoskeletal disease, or headache, painkillers may conceal the symptoms of a potent danger lurking somewhere in the body. Picture this: some malarial, typhoid or infective hepatitis patients are diagnosed long after the illness has set in. These individuals sometimes display warped signs and symptoms, because painkillers may block the apparent symptoms. This may increase the risk of complications, because when a diagnosis is made, the illness could have advanced. Homeopathy is a major shift in treating illnesses. It aims at arresting, reversing or retarding the progress of disease not merely the outward removal of pain.

Its suggested that many of us, who habitually gulp painkillers, may be prone to drug-induced illnesses. Homeopathic medicines dont cause such effects. They are safe, gentle, infinitesimally small in dosage even when administered to infants, pregnant women or the aged. Homeopaths are more than just physicians. They bring a gentle touch to their healing art and science mild medicinal stimulation for the body to correct itself and heal the problem from the inside-out. Besides, homeopathy advocates defensive treatment through appropriate preventative medicines, dietary and lifestyle changes to bring the right balance or perspective to life. Homeopathy treats the source, not just the effect of the disease or pain. If this isnt keeping the problematic wolf from the door safely and gently, what is?

Article by Dr Mukesh Batra
L.C.E.H., F.H.M.A. (U.K.), F.R.S.H. (Med) P.(Lon), M.D.H. (U.S.A.), F.B.I.H.(U.K.)
Published in Times of India on 21 December 2009