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Go natural the homeopathic way

Tired of the adverse effects of some synthetic drugs? Ask nature to resolve your health issues.

The human body is not meant to be pumped with strong medications. Yet, for many people, a pill for every ill is the magic mantra. Sadly, the pill, or capsule, you consume may contain harsh chemicals active pharmaceutical ingredients, binders or colouring agents. They may be harmful to the body. Luckily, many of us now realise that living a natural life can go a long way in keeping us healthy.

Its a popular notion for many of us to think of herbs as being safe. The truth is far from it. Herbal preparations taken without medical supervision carry certain health risks thanks to alkaloids, or heavy metals, present in them. The spin-off adverse reactions or toxicity when taken in excess, or for prolonged periods of time.

Homeopathy is a safe medical option. Picture this: homeopathic remedies undergo serial dilutions in their pharmaceutical preparation. During the process, the curative bioenergies of the original drug (substance) get transferred to and are carried by molecules of alcohol, distilled water or sugar. This mechanism is in sync with modern bioenergetics, quantum physics and molecular memory. Homeopathic medicines are neutral substances, most of them being derived from nature the plant kingdom.

Homeopathy had long recognised that diseases were incorrectly called chronic a result of lifestyle changes or a faulty habit that caused disease-like symptoms. Homeopathy also pioneered the initiative that removing the causative factor cured illness, without the need for strong medication. A case in point: if you develop a headache after night-watching, you need rest and not medication to feel okay. Likewise, a smoker who develops smokers cough only needs to quit smoking to become healthy again.

The irony is that many people opt for homeopathic treatment as the last resort, when other medical systems dont provide long-term health benefits and/or cause side effects. This needs to be discouraged, even reversed. Homeopathic medicines, being minuscule (infinitesimal), are absolutely safe; theyre best suited to be your first line of treatment. They also dont lead to drug-induced disorders, allergies and autoimmune diseases. The result: a new, healthy you, with a healthier mind and fitter body.

Article by Dr Mukesh Batra
L.C.E.H., F.H.M.A. (U.K.), F.R.S.H. (Med) P.(Lon), M.D.H. (U.S.A.), F.B.I.H.(U.K.)
Published in Times of India on 10 December 2009