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Feature Articles

  • Holistic chill pills for urban ills

    Homoeopathy is mind-body medicine, so an imbalance can lead to stress and illness. Theres a glitzy buzz of living in big cities. Yet, city life is quite…

  • Homeopathy treats excessive, unwanted sweating

    We are an extremely adaptive species. We are constantly evolving and maintaining our balance and harmony. This process is constant. For example, in the…

  • Homeopathy helps us to stay naturally healthy

    Our body is smarter than we all think. It can heal itself when in distress with gentle medicinal stimulation. Physical illnesses can affect our emotional…

  • Homeopathy calms the heat of summer ailments

    Its summer time. The temperature is anything but bearable. Well, it also looks like natures 'thermostat', which regulates our bodys temperature, is…

  • Homeopathy treats anger and anxiety gently

    Homeopathy suggests that illness, or disease, is internal imbalance which first presents itself at our most fundamental levels. Illness, according to…

  • Homeopathy relieves asthmatic distress safely

    Picture this. Most of us are unable to breathe freely when we are severely allergic to odour, smoke, pollutants, pollen, moulds, house mites and dust. Or…