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What should you know about menopause and hair loss
What should you know about menopause and hair loss

What should you know about menopause and hair loss?

Posted by
 Dr Batra’s™
Last updated: December 27, 2024

For any woman her hair is her self-esteem and self-worth. Long beautiful hair represents her vitality and youth. As women age they experience hormonal changes due to which their beautiful locks too get affected. This is our attempt to help you know what is menopause and how does it affect your hair?

What is menopause?

Menopause is the cessation of monthly bleeding cycles. Some women get menopause when they would be around their 50’s and a very few may menopause as early as 40. When women are in and around their menopause (this period is known as peri-menopausal period) they may experience symptoms of menopause like hot flashes, irritability, hair loss, weight gain etc. Hair getting thinner becomes a matter of great concern for them.

Why does hair get thin in menopause?

The female hormones which are responsible for monthly bleeding cycles deplete once the woman is menopauses. This female hormone is also partially responsible for maintaining the beautiful hair. Added on, if the woman would suffer from any other disorder like hypothyroid, diabetes mellitus or high blood pressure, this would cause faster thinning of hair. Not only does the volume of hair get less but the growth of hair also becomes slow.

What is the hair loss solution?

Application of chemical lotions is not the ultimate solution in controlling hair loss. Changing the shampoo would also not help much. It is the hormonal imbalance which needs to be corrected to help your hair stop thinning.

Homeopathic medicine for hair loss in menopause is the safest and helps you to enter a happy menopause. Homeopathic medicine for hair loss helps to stop the thinning of hair and stabilization of the condition. Vitamins which are deficient need to be taken separately as a supplement.

Once the hair thinning is stabilized, there are a few cosmetic hair loss solution treatments like Grohair and STMcell therapy which would help to enhance the density of hair. Homeopathic treatment is customized as per the individual. The underlying cause needs to be treated to bring about the best treatment outcome.