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Posted by
 Dr Batra’s™  July 7, 2020

The sound of his deep, desperate struggle for breath filled those winter nights.

My child undergoing an asthma attack was my biggest nightmare come true.  

There is nothing more disheartening and scary than to see a loved one struggle for something as basic as breathing and you being completely helpless to do anything about it. But alarmingly, asthma happens to be one of the most common chronic conditions affecting both children and adults. According to the estimates of the World Health Organization, as many as 235 million people have fallen prey to this dreadful disease.

Asthma disease is characterized by recurrent episodes of breathlessness and wheezing. The severity of the symptoms of asthma and the frequency of the attacks vary from person to person.

It is an extremely difficult disease to live with and in most cases, once developed; it results in being chronic in nature. Therefore it is important that you do all that you can to keep yourself out of its way. To do so, let us understand the factors that can put you at a risk of getting asthma.


If It Runs In Your Family, It Can Run Into You

According to the study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine family history is an important predictor of asthma. If a parent or immediate family members suffer from asthma it increases the possibility of a child developing the same.

From Allergies To Asthma

Any allergic conditions that you may be suffering from, such as Allergic Rhinitis, Hay Fever, Atopic Dermatitis, and so on may increase the risk factor and act as a cause of asthma.

Pollution Alert

Living in metro cities has its perks, but it comes at a cost. And asthma might just be the price you pay for it. People living in urban areas, especially in places with high smog are at an increased risk for developing asthma.

Extra Pounds, Lesser Breaths

If you need any more reason to worry about the extra pounds you’ve put on, let me present the threat of asthma to you. A study published in Public Health Nutrition in the US National Library of Medicine obesity as a significant risk for developing asthma disease.

Respiratory Infections In Infancy

People who suffered from any viral respiratory infections during infancy or childhood are at a risk of developing the asthma disease during their later years.  

Smoke Your Way To Asthma

Asthma is here to join the many ailments that can result out of your love to smoke. Smoke from cigarettes irritates the respiratory tracts and puts you at a high risk for developing asthma. Smoking during pregnancy can put the child to-be-born at a risk for developing asthma disease. Even if you do not smoke, being exposed to second-hand smoke can also act as a potential cause of asthma.

Elements In Your Workplace

If you suffer from asthma disease, some elements in your area of work may trigger asthma symptoms. People whose workplaces involve exposure to vapours or chemical fumes, dust, molds and so on are at a dangerous risk of developing asthma.

All of these factors and more can put you in a dangerous position of developing asthma or worsen it if you are already suffering from it.

So what can you do about it?


When it comes to asthma treatment, homeopathy is the safest option. In most cases, asthma is chronic, which means you’re in for a long haul. In such situations, taking conventional medicines can do more harm than good in the long run. Homeopathic treatment for asthma is natural, safe and free from side-effects. The medicines work on building the body’s defenses to fight the ailment. Asthma treatment in homeopathy also involves treating the underlying conditions like allergies, obesity, and so on which act as causes of asthma to ensure healing at all levels. Homeopathic treatment for asthma can also be taken safely together with the conventional medicines after consulting a homeopath.   

Millions of people across the world struggle for breath every day. Timely and good medical treatment will be your faithful aide in this battle.

After all, you may have asthma, but asthma does not have you.