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Homeopathy is a safe, ‘vaccine-like' therapy

What we do to prevent an illness or disease is called preventative treatment, or prophylaxis. From the dawn of civilisation, we have sought protection from invading illnesses. For instance, our ancients recognised a godly power. They also prayed and made amulets or symbols of divine protection. This connection to prophylaxis continues in different forms in many cultures, even today.

Most questions on prophylaxis are directed towards the prevention of infections. From the medical point-of-view, infection occurs due to contact of bacteria, or virus (micro-organism), with human beings (macro-organism). For homeopathy, the key point is that a micro-organism is not the same thing as an illness, although it is a significant constituent of an illness.

There is a school of thought now gaining ground. It holds the view that conventional vaccines may be harmful. The latest debate is related to the new swine flu (H1N1) vaccine. It is loaded with controversy. A vaccine, as we all know, is the preparation of a weakened or killed micro-organism. Its somewhat analogous to homeopathy; the cause can treat the illness. Many patients ask me about the availability of homeopathic vaccinations or prophylaxis. They know that homeopathy is safe. So, they contend that homeopathic 'vaccines' or preventatives would be just as safe free from side effects. My answer is yes. Homeopathy can protect us from infectious illnesses; it can also help us defeat the offending invader, or micro-organism, naturally.

When modern vaccine therapy was established during the last century, it spectacularly improved our ability to prevent illnesses from polio to flu. It worked well until studies began to show major side effects, along with collateral damage. Today, many conventional physicians are of the view that vaccines suppress our immunity. This means they reduce our natural immune function, leaving us vulnerable to a number of illnesses. Homeopathic medicines do not cause such problems. They are friendly on the system. They cause no tissue damage. They protect and they treat. Homeopathy is non-toxic and effective in prophylaxis. For example, Parotidinum works well as a preventative remedy for mumps, Influenzinum for flu, Pertussin for whooping cough, Diphtherinum for diphtheria, and so on. This is homeopathys greatest advantage.

Article by Dr Mukesh Batra
L.C.E.H., F.H.M.A. (U.K.), F.R.S.H. (Med) P.(Lon), M.D.H. (U.S.A.), F.B.I.H.(U.K.)
Published in Times of India on 1 February 2010