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Homeopathy helps us to stay naturally healthy

Our body is smarter than we all think. It can heal itself when in distress with gentle medicinal stimulation. Physical illnesses can affect our emotional and mental states badly. All illnesses that progress lead to the faulty functioning of our mind, body and spirit. The expression, 'It is all in the mind', is full of meaning. Let me illustrate. It is not unusual for me in my practice to see extremely ill patients being cheerful, notwithstanding the odds. Likewise, I have seen youngsters with pimples or acne showing severe depression with unusual suicidal tendencies.

This shows that there exists a close interrelated relationship at various levels (mind, body and spirit). This is what provides homeopathy, which is mind-body medicine, a window of opportunity to assess a persons health or illness. Homeopathy takes into account not merely an individuals symptoms, but also the mind-body connection; for example, how we react to allergies. A person with severe itching, along with a 'chilly' feeling, may (ironically) feel better with icy-cold drinks. Likewise, a person with high fever may not want blankets. These are individualistic reactions this is unique to each person.

In a study, 30 medical practitioners in four different locations enrolled a group of patients with upper respiratory tract complaints including allergies, lower respiratory tract complaints including allergies, and ear infections. Of 456 patients, 281 received homeopathy and 175, conventional treatment. The primary outcome criterion was response to treatment, defined as 'cured' or major improvement after 14 days of treatment. Results showed a response rate of 82.06% in the homeopathy group as compared to 67.03% in the group receiving conventional medicine. The practitioners concluded that homeopathy was as effective as conventional treatment and, most importantly, free of side effects.

Its a fact of life that when we aim to stay healthy, eat good, well-balanced, nutritious food, walk regularly, or climb staircases, we are 'training' our defence mechanisms to stay healthy, without actually thinking about it. So, when illnesses affect us, our body will not require powerful medicines to correct itself. It requires just a little, gentle push. Homeopathy enables us to achieve this stimulus naturally.

Article by Dr Mukesh Batra
L.C.E.H., F.H.M.A. (U.K.), F.R.S.H. (Med) P.(Lon), M.D.H. (U.S.A.), F.B.I.H.(U.K.)
Published in Times of India on 03 May 2010