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Homeopathy - Principles

The idea of presenting the key principles of homeopathy is to make our patients and readers aware that the treatment given to you by our doctors is based on the scientific principles of homeopathy. The important homeopathic principles, which guide our doctors in providing treatment, are discussed below.

Principle 1: The Law of Similars or like cures like (The fundamental law of homeopathy)

“A substance that can artificially produce certain disease-like symptoms on a healthy person; only that substance can cure a similar disease when it is given to the patient in the form of homeopathic medicine.”


  • Our homeopathic doctors will understand and record complete details of your complaints and symptoms.
  • They will then match your symptoms with thousands of homeopathic medicines and select just one medicine, which matches your complaints the most.
  • The selected remedy is one that has been proven effective in producing symptoms exactly like yours in a healthy individual.
  • Also, this medicine should have proven efficacy in curing patients with diseases similar to yours. 

Principle 2: Single remedy for multiple complaints

“Treating man as a whole with one single remedy which is most similar in all his sufferings”


  • In allopathy, you have different specialists for every disease and you may end up consulting more than one doctor for multiple complaints. There is a heart specialist, diabetologist, skin specialist and so on.
  • Homeopathic doctors are trained to treat a wide variety of illnesses. They will select one single remedy, which will relieve or cure all your health troubles.
  • For example, if you consult our doctors for hair fall and tell them that you also have headaches or acidity, they will suggest a medicine that will take care of your hair fall and also provide relief from headaches and acidity.

Principle 3: Individualisation

“No two patients get the same remedy even though they may be having the same disease.”


  • Each individual is unique in his/her nature and temperament. Even the symptoms are different in different people suffering the same ailment.
  • In allopathy, everyone with the same disease can be suggested the same remedy.
  • However, in homeopathy, selecting the remedy is not entirely based on what you are suffering from, but more on the characteristic features of your symptoms and you as an individual.
  • Homeopathy considers your nature, temperament, likes and dislikes, which are peculiar to you, thus setting you apart from other people with the same disease as you.

Principle 4: Long-term results

“Treating your skin disorders and other associated complaints with the application of creams or medicine that temporarily relieve symptoms but do not cure you internally is called suppression. It leads to the development of more serious illnesses in the future.”


  • Dr Hahnemann observed that if your skin complaints are treated externally with the application of creams, symptoms may disappear temporarily but lead to more severe illnesses in future.
  • Suppression may temporarily remove your suffering but put you at a higher risk of developing more serious illnesses.
  • While working on your case history (homeopathic consultation), our doctors will discuss all the health problems you suffered since childhood till date. They will ask what treatments you have taken in past and the outcome of those treatments.
  • With this, the doctors will know if there is any link between what you are suffering now and what you have suffered in the past, and the role your past treatment played in developing your current health problem.
  • The remedy suggested after detailed case-taking aims at curing your ailment and not just suppressing the symptoms.

Principle 5: Order of Healing

“After any treatment, your health should never progress from milder illnesses to more severe illnesses. There is a defined order in which the cure should happen, as per nature’s law.”


  • A homeopathic doctor is always guided by this principle in understanding whether the treatment is helping the patient or putting him/her at the risk of more serious illnesses in the future.
  • When you are being treated for any complaint, it should reduce in intensity and frequency.
  • After any treatment, your health should never progress from milder illnesses to more severe ones.
  • Homeopathy treats you from within, not just externally. There is a defined order in which a cure should take place, as per nature’s law. Our doctors are well trained in assessing your treatment outcome according to these principles. This will ensure that your treatment is heading in the right direction.    

Principle 6- The Minimum Dose

“The dose and repetition of medicine has to be minimum to ensure that the treatment is safe and free from side-effects.”


  • Homeopathic medicines do not cause any side-effects.
  • Lots of care is taken in preparing homeopathic medicines by a process called the dilution method. The substance used to prepare the medicine is either diluted in water or medicated alcohol.
  • The dilution is carried out in a progressive way, up to the level where only a minor trace of the original substance remains in the actual medicine given to patients. This method of dilution is so refined that one hardly finds any measurable trace of medicinal substance in it.
  • Recent advances in nanotechnology and experiments carried out by IIT Mumbai, a renowned institution of engineering and research in India, has demonstrated the presence of the original substance in minimum quantities in homeopathic dilution.