Losing your hair no problem its not forever
It’s very tormenting when you see your hair all over the house - on the floor, on the pillow, in the bathroom, on your towel, and in your comb – it just makes you feel anxious and worried of going bald in the near future - as your hair definitely defines your looks. But you need not worry about hair loss as it’s not forever.
You tend to lose around 50-100 strands a day as a part of normal ‘hair cycle’. As hair falls out naturally, new hair grows back. However, under the influence of DHT (a hormone responsible for hair loss) the natural hair growth cycle changes, resulting in shorter, thinner or miniaturized hair. Eventually, this disturbance causes hair thinning or hair loss in men and women. The good news is that hair loss is a treatable condition. The earlier you seek medical help for hair loss the better will be the treatment outcome.
The treatment result depends on the cause of hair loss. There are many reasons for hair loss in men and women. Few of them are listed below:
- Hereditary - it is one of the common reasons for hair loss in men - male pattern baldness, a type of hair loss prevalent in men. It can affect women also and the condition is called female pattern baldness. The biggest concern of most of the patients is that if their hair loss is hereditary, can it be cured? Should they seek treatment for hair loss or accept it as an inevitable condition? The answer is definitely yes, genetic hair loss can be treated successfully.
- Thyroid disease - An under-active thyroid causing hypothyroidism can lead to hair loss typically on the frontal area of your scalp. Hyperthyroidism which is due to over-active thyroid can also lead to hair loss. The loss is diffuse and involves the entire scalp rather than discrete areas.
- Alopecia areata - You might also suffer from a condition known as alopecia areata. In this type of hair loss, the hair falls in patches. There can be complete hair loss from the scalp or loss of hair all over the body. It is an autoimmune condition, in which white blood cells (WBCs) attacks and destroys the hair follicles. This condition is completely curable with the right hair loss treatment.
- Hormonal issues - Studies have shown that hormonal imbalances have become one of the main reasons for hair loss in women. Even teenage girls are not spared hair loss as they often suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). New mothers may experience temporary hair loss due to hormonal fluctuations post-delivery.
- Other triggers for hair loss are chronic stress (can lead to a condition called Trichotillomania in which people pull out their own hair), seborrhoeic dermatitis, excessive styling treatments, crash dieting, nutritional deficiencies, unhealthy lifestyle, certain conventional medicines, chlorinated water, anaemia, diabetes, etc.
Some people prefer to let their hair loss go untreated. While some want to cover it up with different hairstyles, salon treatments, home remedies, hats or scarves. However, they are not solutions for hair loss.
It is very important to understand that hair loss is a medical condition and not a cosmetic problem. Addressing your problem to an expert doctor can help you save from losing your precious locks in time.
Before pursuing any treatment, please talk to an expert doctor about the cause of hair loss and suitable treatment options for your problem. Worldwide, there are different hair loss treatments available such as oral medications which may come with the host of side-effects like sexual dysfunction and alterations in blood pressure.
Homeopathy can certainly be of great help, for people of all ages, and both sex. It offers a safe and effective hair fall solution. International studies have also proven the efficacy of homeopathic medicines for hair loss - according to a study conducted by the Skin Research Institute of Europe, homeopathic medicines aid in combating DHT hormone without any side-effects.
Self-help tips
Healthy roots mean healthy hair, so it’s very important to take good care of your hair. You can do certain things by yourself.
- Use a wide-toothed comb for your hair. Never comb your wet hair. Avoid sharing the comb to keep personal hygiene.
- Dry your hair naturally instead of blow drying.
- Avoid coloring your hair, if required use ammonia-free hair color. You can try our Dr Batra’s® Herbal Hair Colour
- Avoid chemical treatments on hair and hairstyles that put pressure on the hair.
- Washing hair with hot water can make your scalp and hair strands dry. You can use lukewarm water.
- Eat a healthy diet including proteins, vitamin B in your diet - milk, eggs, Greek yogurt, poultry, fatty fish, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and fresh green vegetables.