Standing on my balcony I was mesmerized with the view of blooming flowers. Finally winter blues were ending and it was time to pack the heavy sweaters and coats back in the closet!
While I was enjoying the beauty of nature tears were rolling down my face. No I was not crying. I was sneezing continuously as spring is here and pollen is in the air and I said to myself hey! It’s hay fever!
Allergy is a hypersensitive response of the immune system. Anything can trigger allergy and various types of allergens cause various types of allergies. Main allergy-causing agents are pollens, dust, mites, food, drugs and insect bites.
Main types of allergies are food allergy, skin allergy, dust allergy, insect allergy, pet allergy, eye allergy, drug allergy and Allergic Rhinitis.
A symptom of allergy occurs as soon as you get in contact with an allergy-causing agent. Allergic reaction depends on the substance involved. Different allergens cause different symptoms, for instance:
- Sneezing, itchy, runny or blocked nose can be due to allergic rhinitis/hay fever.
- If your eyes are itchy, red or watering it can be due to pollen allergy/dust allergy.
- Rashes on the skin, with severe itching or hives can be due to skin allergy or drug allergy.
- Tingling sensation on tongue, swollen lips, eyes or face, stomach ache with vomiting and diarrhea can be due to food allergy or drug allergy.
- Clean your carpets, curtains, mattress, bed sheets & bed covers regularly to avoid accumulation of dust & dust mites.
- Avoid sleeping with pets to prevent allergy caused by their dander.
- Check what plants are around your house as culprit mold spores live in warm and wet dirt and can trigger allergy.
- Ensure your AC filters are clean.
- Wash your kid’s toys often.
Homoeopathy has a lot to offer when it comes to allergies, as it very good in treating different types of allergies including respiratory allergy, skin allergy, food allergy, insect bite allergy and seasonal allergy to name a few.
The conventional mode of medicine which involves taking anti-allergic drugs or steroids to manage symptoms gives short-term relief so one has to repeat the allergy treatment often and also it has unwanted side-effects like drowsiness, dependency on the medicine and so on.
On the other hand homeopathic medicines stimulate the body’s own defense mechanism to cope with allergens, rather than suppressing the allergic symptoms. If taken at an early stage it can also help to reduce the intensity of symptoms and eventually one will end up using less anti-allergic medicines and fortunately sometimes no further treatment is required.
Also read https://www.drbatras.ae/scope-of-homeopathy-in-the-treatment-of-allergy
Individualization in homoeopathy also helps to treat allergy from the root as there are very specific allergy remedies in homeopathy. For instance, if you are allergic to pollens Allium Cepa takes good care of that, Arsenicum Album can help you to get rid of seasonal allergy, Nux Vomica takes care of many food related allergies and so on.
The effect of the remedy is also fast and long lasting. Always visit a registered homoeopath so that you get prompt results.
Next time grab a strip of sweet pills rather than having your conventional treatment and get rid of your allergy with minimum dose and less repetition!