Diabetes mellitus is becoming a leading health concern across the world. It will not be an overstatement if we say we all know at least one person who has succumbed to diabetes. And, if you have closely seen a diabetic person, you would have noticed that most of them feel like they are at war with their own body. Managing diabetes mellitus becomes a hell lot difficult for many and for those who take insulin injections, the experience is more painful.
So, is there anything that makes diabetes management a bit less painful? Yes. There is. It’s called homeopathy. These ‘sweet pills’ can keep your sugar in control without any side-effects. How? We try to answer it here.
Why homeopathic treatment for diabetes?
Helps maintain ‘normal’ levels of insulin and prevent complications
Homeopathic medicine for diabetes is primarily focused on maintaining ‘normal’ levels of insulin, or keeping conventional anti-diabetic drugs at the minimum possible dosage and in preventing progression or complications of the disease.
Holistic management & individualized treatment
Homeopathic medicine for diabetes emphasizes on the holistic management of diabetes rather than ‘cure.’
Homeopathy looks at diabetes as a reflection of the body's inability to function optimally, or an imbalance in the body's capacity to effectively utilize insulin that it produces, or not generate sufficient insulin for its needs. Homeopathic medicine for diabetes corrects the underlying problem— the trigger for diabetes, for example, emotional stress from the ‘root’ and not just its mere manifestation.
It also takes into account the fact that no two diabetic individuals present with identical problems. Each one of us is unique. Therefore, no two people with diabetes are given same medicines. Homeopathic treatment for diabetes is an individualized treatment best suitable for you based on thorough assessment of your condition including your physical as well as emotional and mental symptoms.
Safe and free from side-effects
I prefer calling homeopathy as ‘experienced medicine’ because all the medicines that are used on the patients are subjected to human trial and assured of its safety even in infants. The medicines are being used for over two centuries and not even one instance of adverse drug reaction has ever been reported. So, homeopathic medicines for diabetes are safe and free from side-effects.
Can be used along with allopathic medicines
The best part — homeopathic medicines for diabetes can be taken safely, along with your conventional or pharmaceutical medications, including insulin. One such research was conducted in Athens to see compatibility of homeopathy and conventional medicine in controlling diabetes.
A group of patients of diabetes mellitus type-2 were treated with Daonil, a conventional medicine, and a placebo (Group-1) and Daonil and homeopathy (Group-2). Group-1 showed 47 per cent improvement; Group-2 showed a hugely impressive 97 per cent improvement.
What’s more, some people eat right and exercise, but they cannot stabilize their blood sugar. Homeopathic treatment is effective in such cases too. The appropriate homeopathic remedy will help to balance blood sugar levels naturally, without side- effects.
Well, so by now if you are convinced with the healing benefits of homeopathy, we also give you some self-help tips that will help you manage your diabetes better.
• Eat healthy — high fibre food, fruits and vegetables, and foods that are low in fat, salt and sugar
• Exercise regularly, 20-30 minutes, 4-5 times a week
• Keep your family and friends informed of your condition. Wear a badge, or diabetic card; this will be useful during an emergency
• Avoid smoking
• Avoid, or reduce, your alcohol ‘fix,’ if any
• Take care of your feet. Diabetics are prone to develop problems with their feet, including infections and foot ulcers. Wear shoes approved by a foot, ankle and lower leg medical specialist [podiatrist, or chiropodist]
• Keep your nails short [you can scratch and ‘infect’ your skin otherwise] and wash your feet with warm water every day
• Have regular eye tests — at least twice a year to check for retinopathy
Undergo the following tests every year —
• Cholesterol test
• Triglyceride test
• Complete foot examination
• Dental exam to check teeth and gums
• Eye exam to check for vision problems
• Urine and blood tests, including Hb1AC.
People who are diabetic should complement their medical regimen with a healthy lifestyle which will control blood glucose levels, high blood pressure and cholesterol. Follow-up with their doctor on a regular basis is advised.
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