Homoeopathy Treatment for Leucorrhoea
Homeopathy being an individualistic science tries to find an individual remedy for each case. Different females suffering from Leucorrhoea (White Discharge) present with different symptoms regarding the character, localization, extension and severity. Also varying are the accompanying symptoms like backache, itching & burning in genital region etc.
Some females will have complaints much before menses while others are worse only during it. The character of leucorrhoea, its color, presence of blood, the underlying cause like fibroids, cysts, endometriosis etc differentiate one case from another.
From the treatment's point of view, it is better to make it normal than to stop it because physiologically it is important. If it is stopped completely, vaginal dryness may result which may cause pain & distress during sexual activity.
Also, if it is not treated properly, it may often recur and sometimes it can be infected and become persistent. Always take treatment for 2-3 cycles of periods to analyze it. So, do not stop treatment as soon as symptoms disappear and periods become normal. So take least 3-4 month treatment.
In Homeopathy, we boost the immune system which plays a very important role in natural elimination of disease organism or the disease itself and also in prevention. Homeopathic prescriptions are based on the nature and time of the discharge and also depend upon the patient’s constitution.
The treatment can give permanent relief to recurrent leucorrhoea.
Self- Help
Wash genitals every day. Wear clean garments every day. Always wear cotton underwear to avoid moisture. Synthetic or nylon garments which cause dampness of genital organs.
Abstain from sexual intercourse during heavy discharges and during the process of healing to avoid irritation of tissues
Please avoid Sprays, deodorants, and strong perfumed soap and bath products
Avoid Stress since it may affect the hormonal level and may increase secretions
Don’t Share towels and garments. Eat nutritious diet, especially food rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E, magnesium and zinc, to improve general health. Plenty of water and juices to avoid urinary tract infection and its spread to the vagina or cervix.