Homeopathy: Say 'Yes' to boost immunity in children
Did you know that one third of school children in India miss school due to illnesses, and that globally parents miss 126 million work days by taking leave to take care of their sick children?
Why is it that some children fall ill more often than others? Is it something to do with their environment or weather conditions? Well, it is more about their immunity. Our immune system is our body's defense against harmful organisms and substances that cause sickness. Children who have good immunity are less prone to infections, while those with weaker immunity fall sick more often.
Know if your child has low immunity
How would you know if your child has low immunity? Pay attention to the following 5 symptoms:
- Your child catches cold or cough frequently
- Is underweight
- Suffers frequently from infections like bronchitis, and ear or skin infections
- Experiences delayed healing of wounds.
- Has nutritional deficiencies (there are visible changes in the skin and hair, brittle nails, easily bruised skin and low-attention span).
Antibiotics are not the answer to your child’s low immunity
Now that you know that your child has low immunity, what would you do when he or she falls ill? Did you say antibiotics?
Well, antibiotics can provide quick relief, but did you know that in the long run, they may actually reduce the body’s own ability to fight infection? There have also been cases where anti-biotics have caused side-effects like skin rashes, nausea, diarrhea and stomach pain. Overuse of anti-biotics can also lead to drug-resistance. Antibiotic resistance kills over 50,000 children in India annually!
Say yes to homeopathy to boost your child’s immunity
Medicines for children should aim at boosting immunity not bringing it down. This is what will bring down the frequency and duration of diseases. This is exactly what homeopathy does.
While conventional medicines often work by providing symptomatic relief, homeopathy works at the root level. Homeopathic medicines help in boosting immunity of children naturally by addressing the problem of low immunity at the root.
Bonus? Children love taking homeopathic medicines, as they are sweet, but homeopathy offers much more than that. As parents you should know that your child deserves safe medicines. Homeopathy exactly offers that. It treats without side-effects. It offers treatment in three major areas of concern - child memory, child growth and child immunity.
Here are 3 commonly used homeopathic remedies to boost immunity in children:
- Echinacea mother tincture taken 10 drops in half a cup of water twice a day helps build immunity.
- Nux Vomica helps to build gut immunity in children who have been treated with a lot of antibiotics.
- Silicea is a good remedy for children with poor digestion.
Also read https://www.drbatras.ae/homeopathy-natural-way-strengthen-your-childs-immunity
Self-help tips to boost immunity in children
In addition to homeopathy, here are some simple tips to improve your child's immunity:
- Breast feed your baby for at least one year after delivery: Breastfeeding is crucial to creating a strong immune system in children. Breast milk is full of natural antibodies, which help prevent infections and allergies.
- Encourage outdoor sports: Blame it on mobiles, computers, play stations or video games, but it is estimated that children today spend only half their time playing outdoors as compared to their parents. However, if you want to boost your child’s immunity, encourage him to play outdoors. Take him out for a small walk or play together in the garden. Exposure to dirt and other microbes will strengthen immunity.
- Maintain a balanced diet: A healthy diet is one which contains all the important nutrients. Make sure your child has a balanced diet which includes plenty of fruit and vegetables. Avoid foods with artificial colours and preservatives.
- Maintain good personal hygiene: You would be shocked to know that almost 80% of infections in children are transmitted by unclean hands. O Teach children to wash their hands after they use the washroom, after playing and before meals.
So, don’t let low immunity hold your child back. You can now boost your child’s immunity by giving him natural and safe homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy will help your child fight illnesses by increasing his immunity and will also reduce the frequency & duration of diseases.