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Hair loss

Hair loss

Trichotillomania - Treatment

Treatment approach at Dr Batra’s™

Step 1: First Consultation – At your first consultation our doctors will spend 30-45 minutes with you. The questions asked extend well beyond the immediate problem or physical symptoms, and take into account your medical history, lifestyle, prevalence of hair loss in your family and any other stress factors that can lead to hair loss. The information provided is vital for us to understand the root cause of your hair loss and suggest customized treatment that best suits your problem.

Step 2: Medical Diagnosis – Our doctors conduct non-invasive video-microscopy test, which magnifies the hair follicle and scalp up to 200 times. It helps us identify the condition & thickness of hair strands, density of hair on the scalp as well as condition of your scalp. If required blood tests are recommended to confirm the diagnosis.

Step 3: Personalized Treatment - Natural homeopathic medicines are suggested based on cause and extent of your hair loss.

Benefits of Homeopathy

  • Treatment with medicines made from natural sources like plants and minerals
  • Customized for every patient
  • Effectively treats the underlying cause of hair loss
  • Helps increase volume and density of hair
  • No dietary restrictions involved.

Step 4: Supplementary Treatment – Hair vitalizing treatment (HVT) is recommended as a supplementary treatment to make your hair strong and regain vitality. Number of sessions will be recommended by your Doctor based on type and extent of your hair loss.

Benefits of Hair Vitalizing Treatment (HVT)

  • US FDA approved
  • Non-invasive
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Makes hair stronger, reduces breakage and helps regain vitality
  • Takes just 20 minutes per session

While homeopathic medicines are the mainstay of our treatment, we also offer counseling to our patients to overcome this habit. Remember that Trichotillomania is not just a bad habit but it is a mental health disorder, and it's unlikely to get better without treatment.