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Obesity in women

A woman loves to spot other women who are fatter than her just to comfort herself that she isnt the fattest one around. Amusing as it may seem, this is true, at least in the majority. Obesity is on the rise these days and women, thanks to the hormonal storms that they go through in life, are involuntarily over-sizing to ample proportions. Overeating under stress or emotional turmoil is known to be more common in women as compared to men. While some girls gain weight during puberty, others do so during pregnancy, after childbirth or post menopause. Hypothyroidism, Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), and the intake of certain psychiatric medications and steroids are other common causes of obesity in women.

Obesity is a silent killer that is known to give rise to complications such as heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, gall stones, varicose veins, infertility, and renal disorders. With research discovering a link between obesity and six types of cancers, it is wiser to shed the flab. Studies have revealed that obese women tend to have lower self esteem and a negative body image as compared to women who have an ideal weight. Repeated failure to lose weight adds to their hopelessness. In many cases, a woman may get depressed, paranoid or overly possessive about their spouse or partner, assuming that he doesnt find her attractive anymore.

Homeopathic treatment focuses on tackling the cause of obesity in order to trigger weight loss naturally without any adverse reactions. Hence, dietary changes and regular exercises are also recommended. Thus, if a depressed woman indulges in binge-eating, there is no point in trying to speed up her metabolic rate. Homeopathy cannot change her circumstances, but can help her to become more tolerant so that she overcomes depression and, consequently, stops eating to comfort herself. Similarly, the underlying pathology such as hypothyroidism or PCOD is treated so that the body corrects its metabolic disturbances by itself. For example, a girl who is reserved by nature, loves salty food and gains weight due to overeating because her boyfriend left her, will need Nat Mur. Every woman is special, and homeopathy treats each of them that way!

Article by Dr Mukesh Batra
L.C.E.H., F.H.M.A. (U.K.), F.R.S.H. (Med) P.(Lon), M.D.H. (U.S.A.), F.B.I.H.(U.K.)
Published in Times of India on 12 November 2009