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Homeopathy treats allergic problems

Brijesh (name changed), a 29-year-old journalist, reported that he was allergic to everything, including air. He said he had relentless itching around his nostrils and mouth, with violent sneezing, pain in the bridge of the nose and profuse, watery saliva. His nasal discharge was thin and watery almost like egg whites. His eyes appeared swollen and watery, and were constantly itching. He told us that when he went to sleep, he had an irritating post-nasal drip, resulting in a raw feeling in his throat. He also complained of unnecessary workplace stress, cough, sinusitis and a migraine-type of headache. He felt better in the open air, but worse indoors and under stress. We prescribed the homeopathic remedy, Natrum Muriaticum. Brijesh called us a week later to say that his nose was relatively dry. There was no itching; his sneezing bouts had reduced significantly. By the time he came for follow-up a month later, his nasal anguish had receded completely.

Allergies often worsen when the affected individual is stressed, has an unhealthy diet and leads a sedentary life. If household allergens or allergy-causing substances could be the problem, the affected person should walk in fresh air for at least half an hour, return home and not get a whiff of room freshener or perfume. If a particular substance triggers excessive sneezing, it is the likely source of the allergic reaction. Get rid of it completely.

Homeopathy treats the individual; it does not limit treatment to the diagnosis of an illness alone. When you are ill, your illness has a unique pattern of symptoms. Your illnesses result from a particular pattern of imbalance in your defence mechanism one that is unique to your personal temperament and susceptibility. Yet, the interesting fact is that people with the same illness or diagnosis may not be prescribed the same homeopathic remedy, the reason being that there are dozens of homeopathic medicines for allergy. The skin allergies you get will require a certain homeopathic remedy that matches your specific or unique pattern of symptoms. Your friend's allergy, triggered by dust or pollution, will, likewise, require an entirely different homeopathic remedy.

Article by Dr Mukesh Batra
L.C.E.H., F.H.M.A. (U.K.), F.R.S.H. (Med) P.(Lon), M.D.H. (U.S.A.), F.B.I.H.(U.K.)
Published in Times of India

Homeopathy treats allergic problems