5 things you should know about Female Pattern Hair Loss
Female pattern hair loss - sometimes referred to as androgenetic alopecia - is a very common condition. It mostly affects women after menopause. However, females are now experiencing it at a much younger age. It can be very traumatic for those of us who experience it - after all, our hair makes us feel feminine and beautiful, so losing it can be stressful.
Let us have a look at few important things which we can keep in mind and try to save our precious locks from falling -
- Hormonal Imbalance and female baldness
Hormones are a few of the most essential and influential chemical messengers of our body. They are secreted by endocrine glands and are passed through the bloodstream, to tissues and organs where they affect the way the body functions. A minimal shift or imbalance of hormones would usually lead to remarkable changes in the body as a whole and hair growth. Hormonal issues are general causes of hair loss in female as well as male.
Although hormonal imbalance is commonly experienced by women during menopause, perimenopause, pregnancy, or with endocrine disorders like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), females are prone to losing more hair then males.
- Poor nutrition causes hair loss
Poor nutrition is one of the commonest reasons for hair loss, especially in India. Iron deficiency (anemia) tops the list and is followed by protein deficiency. Improper absorption of the nutrients can also lead to poor nutrition
Excessive dieting especially mono dieting, which involves completely avoiding a particular type of food group, causes a disturbance in the balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat, leading to hair loss. Also, smoking negatively influences the micro-circulation of the scalp leading to increased hair loss.
Therefore, quitting certain bad habits and adding essential nutrients to your diet can help you reverse hair loss.
- Hair loss could be a sign of an underlying medical condition
Health of your hair and scalp provides insightful cues about a host of latent disorders, much before a clinical diagnosis is established. Hair loss is directly related to mind and body wellness. It could be indicative of conditions like heart diseases, diabetes, thyroid, and autoimmune diseases. In women, hair loss can indicate ovarian cysts, or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Hair loss can also indicate iron deficiency i.e. anaemia. It affects nearly 60 per cent of Indian women. A bout of flu or fever, such as malaria, can also lead to hair loss.
- Stress could be a cause of hair loss in females
The effect of stress on hair loss has been known for a long time. While it is natural to lose about 50-100 strands of hair each day, there is a reason for us to worry when our hair seems thin or it falls more than usual or falls in clumps or small bald patches appear.
Stress triggered hair loss is generally short-term or temporary. Once the stress factor is reduced, there is often re-growth, although the process can take up to six months or more, provided no stressor exists. Chronic stress can cause substantial damage to your hair sometimes leading to permanent female baldness.
- Styling and washing your hair properly
Dying or coloring your hair regularly can cause the hair to become brittle and to fall out. Extensions can also weaken the hair, and can contribute towards traction alopecia because of how the hair is being pulled and weighed down. If you wear hair extensions, try not to do so on a frequent basis; it's important to give your hair freedom to move and to grow.
Hair should be washed regularly to keep it clean and healthy. Using conditioner can also be effective, but make sure you apply it to the hair shafts and not the scalp in order to make the hair softer.