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Healing People. Changing Lives


Apr 23, 2012

Homeopathic treatment cured his bronchitis and made him an ardent follower of homeopathy.

29-year-old Mukund (name changed) reported with frequent cold that would end up in cough and would last almost 10 days, every month. He had this problem since many years and of late, this was getting more and more distressing. He would not have much of sneezing, but there would be thin nasal discharge and the cough was with thick whitish expectoration.

His bronchitis would get worse with sweets, spicy food consumption and chilly weather. He felt breathless by just few minutes of any strenuous activity. Antibiotics were on and off as a part of his treatment schedule, though they would help him only temporarily.

Mukund appetite was normal, and he was fond of chicken and sweets. Sweat trickled down his face whenever he ate hot and spicy food. Otherwise, his perspiration was normal, odourless and without any stains. His bowel and urinary cycle was normal and all right, and he would get good, refreshing sleep at night.

Mukund had suffered from kidney stones in the past and had also got an electrical shock due to some mishap at the age of 10. Apart from this, there was no past history of any illness. As for illnesses in the family, his paternal grandfather suffered from asthma and his father had some skin ailment he could not describe well.

Residing in Hyderabad since five years, Mukund was happily married and lived with his folks; his father being a businessman and mother a homemaker. He hailed from a closely knit family with loads of love and affection. Mukund, being a software engineer in a reputed IT firm, faced bouts of stress that became a part and parcel of his life. Being a team leader and highly proficient in his job, he was expecting a pay hike that unfortunately got stalled due to recession. A little dejected and disappointed since then, he was looking for a job change.

Temperament wise, Mukund was a sensitive and emotional person, though wasn't much bothered about what people said if they weren't close to him. Mukund came across as an extremely confident person with no stage fear, but got some anxiety spells occasionally. He was a fairly social person; a movie buff who loved watching various movies, but disliked horror flicks. He loved participating in various extracurricular activities, but of late, he was incapable of being an active contributor due to his uncertain health.

Based on his typical symptoms and the case analysis, we prescribed Arsenicum Album for his complaints. Within a month, he returned with a feedback that his cold and cough was almost gone and he was feeling better in general. His treatment was continued on similar lines and by the end of six months; he had regained his health and did not suffer from any more episodes of cold and cough. This holistic treatment eventually made him an ardent follower of homeopathy.